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Launch of Wentworth Restorative Justice Project in Durban

January 4, 2010

….The project will involve liaison with the criminal justice system role players and training of the mediators within the community in the use and implementation of RJ processes. Additional training in the delivery of programmes to deal with crime prevention will be included.

South Durban Basin Area Manager Ms Eureka Singh is very happy with the partnership with Khulisa and looks forward to the positive impact of restorative justice in the community.

Khulisa’s Area Manager, Cindy Delomoney encouraged the community to join the journey of hope and healing to which Restorative Justice calls. “It is a challenging and brave journey, from fear to hope, from revenge to reconciliation, from hatred to forgiveness. We would like for the communities and government to embrace restorative justice as a profound means for healing attitudes and changing lives”, says Delomoney.

Read the whole announcement.


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