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Law Commission of Canada Annual Report 2000-2001: Engaging Canadians.

Law Commission of Canada
June 4, 2015

Source: (2001) Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada. Downloaded 13 January 2005.

Established in 1997 by Act of Parliament in Canada, the Law Commission of Canada is an independent federal law reform agency. The Commission provides advice to Parliament on reforming and modernizing Canada’s laws. Central to the Commission’s mission is to engage Canadian citizens in the process of understanding and renewing law. This is pursued through various ways and means, including research papers, discussion groups, conferences, meetings, and Internet interactivity (e.g., e-mail, comments boards, webcasts, and online discussions). This document consists of its annual report for 2000-2001. Of particular focus, beginning on page 8, is elaboration of the Commission’s efforts in exploring restorative justice as an alternative approach to the delivery of criminal justice. As part of this, the Commission is also investigating the extension of restorative justice principles into other areas of law, such as family law, labor law, and commercial law.


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