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Moscow: Emergence and Development of the Practice of Restorative Justice in Russia

Fliamer, Michael
June 4, 2015

Source: Moscow: Public Centre for Legal and Judicial Reform. Downloaded 10 October 2002.

Michael Fliamer and Rustem Maksudov, with several others, have played key roles in efforts by the Public Centre for Legal and Judicial Reform to change the Russian criminal justice system. Here Fliamer and Maksudov trace the work of the Centre in introducing and developing restorative justice principles and practices in Russia. They describe initial contacts in 1997 with restorative justice experts from outside of Russia and the beginning of victim-offender reconciliation and mediation in Moscow. Fliamer and Maksudov point to major restorative justice influences on their program, the types of cases handled, the primary emphases of the Centre’s work, and the legal effects of victim-offender reconciliation and mediation.


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