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Multiple punishments: The detention and removal of convicted non-citizens.

Grewcock, Michael
June 4, 2015

Source: (2009) Australia and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference 2009: Conference Proceedings. Pg. 101-110.

Under the Migration Act (1958), being imprisoned for a criminal offence can constitute grounds for visa cancellation, even
for people who have spent most of their lives in Australia. ‘Non-citizens’ who have had their visas cancelled in this way are
liable to detention on completion of their prison sentence; form a significant proportion of the current immigration detainee
population and are routinely deported. This paper examines the punitive implications of this policy including: its impact on
the parole process; the institutionalisation of double punishment; and the multiple mechanisms of disempowerment
operating through the detention regime. While this is still work in progress, the paper argues that criminal convictions do
not justify detention and removal, and suggests a framework for future research. (Authors abstract).


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