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Ontario Multifaith Council Reintegration Project: Restoring Ex-offenders Back To the Community

Schenk, Bruce
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) Paper presented at “Dreaming of a New Reality,” the Third International Conference on Conferencing,
Circles and other Restorative Practices, August 8-10, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The Reintegration Project of the Ontario Multifaith Council assists potentially homeless persons returning to community living after release from provincial correctional facilities. The objective of this program is to help individuals find appropriate housing, employment and community integration. Grounded in the principles of restorative justice, this project links returnees to persons and resources in the community, thus restoring them to community. This project is unique considering the multifaith environment from which it provides service. In various locales across Ontario, community chaplains work alongside institutional correctional staff to assess the needs of incarcerated persons to decide what they will need for a successful release. Once back in the local community the chaplain connects returnees with volunteer support teams who provide practical and personal support necessary for reintegration and restoration.


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