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Perceptions and Experiences of Victimization in Alberta: Findings from a Survey of Alberta Adults, 2000-2001

Bertrand, Lorne D
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) Calgary, Alberta: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family, University of Calgary. Downloaded 21 February 2005.

In January 1999 discussions held at the Alberta Summit on Justice resulted in a list of 25 core recommendations. Several of the recommendations were related to issues concerning victimization. A major concern was that the justice system needs to be more effective in providing and supporting active and meaningful roles for victims within the justice process. Another concern was that victims be given appropriate and adequate support in terms of, for example, education and counselling. Recommendations also called for more and better use of victim impact statements.
Additionally, the need was expressed for members of the justice system to be more sensitive to and aware of the issues and experiences surrounding victimization.


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