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Pittsburgh Mediation Center (Student Consultant, Jared Silver; Community Partner, Gale McGloin)

Silver, Jared
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) Class Paper (Spring), Previous Consulting Partnerships, from the Technology Consulting in the Community class (15-391), School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Downloaded 1 September 2004.

The Pittsburgh Mediation Center (PMC) is a nonprofit organization located in the heart of East Liberty. Founded in 1981, PMC is the only non-profit mediation center in Western Pennsylvania and the primary source for mediation training in the region. PMC serves both individuals and organizations in the Greater Pittsburgh area and has successfully mediated hundreds of disputes and provided training in conflict resolution to thousands of people. Their mission statement is to practice, model, teach and promote the resolution of differences through mediation, collaboration and restorative justice…. The consultant and community partner agreed on a three-phase work plan. (excerpt)


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