Source: (2008) Report of the fifth conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, Building restorative justice in Europe: cooperation between the public, policy makers, practitioners and researchers, Verona.
This workshop examines an example of a research-policy-practice collaboration designed to embed informed policies within a community context. The presenting team will include the researchers, the policy leader and local practitioners… BDC [Broadland District Council] commissioned the SPROCKET research team to make available information about the nature of local offending and also the range of local responses to it. Their research was designed both to provide a full range of insights into offender, communitybased and service-provider responses to offending and to begin to engage with some of those responses… The Stairway policy programme engaged specific SPROCKET findings to generate a range of activities and policies relevant to supporting more restorative justice initiatives with local community institutions in Broadland. This workshop will explore how action-oriented collaboration between researchers, policymakers and community can provide a useful way to stimulate dialogue to develop locally-relevant ideas and actions around restorative justice. Making such connections can be vital for re-integrating and rehabilitating offenders and for building more positive community relations. (excerpt)
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