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Reintegrative confinement and intensive aftercare

Altschuler, David M
June 4, 2015

Source: (1999) Juvenile Justice Bulletin (July): 2-15.

Much attention has been paid in recent years to the issue of aftercare for juvenile offenders. Juvenile justice policymakers and professionals are experimenting with models to reintegrate youth being released from confinement into their communities, and at the same time to ensure public safety. Against this background, the July 1999 issue of Juvenile Justice Bulletin focuses on the following topic: “Reintegration, supervised release, and intensive aftercare.â€? In the issue are two articles on the topic. The first article, by David M. Altschuler and Troy L. Armstrong, is “Reintegrative confinement and intensive aftercare.â€? The second article, by Doris Layton MacKenzie, is “Commentary: The effectiveness of aftercare programs – examining the evidence.â€? In their article, Altschuler and Armstrong look closely at two questions: (1) what is known from research on corrections sanctioning, supportive programming, and social control techniques during confinement and their link with aftercare? and (2) what approach is likely to yield the most positive outcome, and how can it be implemented? Altschuler analyze various models, actual programs, and research results with respect to recent juvenile aftercare initiatives. Additionally, they present a proposed model for an effective aftercare program.


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