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Researching Attitudes Towards Restorative Justice and VOM: Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

Jahic, Galma
June 4, 2015

Source: (2008) Report of the fifth conference of the European Forum for Restorative Justice, Building restorative justice in Europe: cooperation between the public, policy makers, practitioners and researchers, Verona.

In this workshop, qualitative and quantitative ways of studying attitudes towards restorative justice and victim-offender mediation will be discussed, drawing from three different research projects addressing RJ and VOM in Turkey. Those include:
• Quantitative research on judges and their understanding of the purpose of
punishment and how they perceive the restorative value of punishment;
• Qualitative research on judges, prosecutors, and lawyers, including in-depth
interviews on their understanding of VOM;
• and quantitative research on how aware the general population is of VOM
possibilities in Turkey.

These three research projects highlight how different approaches can provide us with different information on how restorative justice is understood, each in its own way, with each approach leaving some questions unanswered. Different methodological problems and suitability of these methods for different types of questions will be discussed. Participants will be encouraged to share their experiences with different methodologies used, or different populations addressed, in order to gain a broader picture of methodological issues in
researching on awareness and understanding of restorative justice. (excerpt)


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