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Restoration or Renovation? Evaluating Restorative Justice Outcomes.

Beven, Jaimie P
June 4, 2015

Source: (2005) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law. 12(1):194-.

Critics of restorative justice claim that its popularity is based on ‘humanistic sentiment’ and suggest
that the process is incapable of achieving its aim of restoring victims and offenders. The current study
sought to establish if restorative justice is capable of restoring victims and offenders in a meaningful
manner, or if the process simply results in a superficial renovation of the impact of crime. Seventytwo
victims and offenders participated in a community group conference model of restorative justice
and were compared on outcome variables with a control group of victims and offenders who
underwent a conventional court process. Results demonstrate that the process is capable of impacting
upon variables associated with the criminal act. Furthermore, it is argued that a reduction in offending
behaviour and victimisation impact are realistic outcomes of the restorative justice processes, Finally,
regression analysis indicated that victims were satisfied with the restorative justice process asa result
of their greater participation rather than their satisfaction with reparation or restitution. (author’s abstract).


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