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Restorative justice: A more understanding and humane approach to offenders.

Palermo, George B.
June 4, 2015

Source: (2013) International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 57(9):1051–1053.

As attempts were made to deal with crime, to improve offender treatment, and to
help the victims of crime, the restorative justice approach evolved. Albert Eglash
(1977) and Howard Zehr (1990) were among its pioneers. Eglash was primarily concerned with the offender (restorative justice and restitution) and Zehr with victim–
offender reconciliation. Even though with ups and downs, this philosophical approach
to punishment, based on healing and the reconciliation of the victim and the offender,
generated a deep interest among sociocriminological scholars and laid the foundation
for what has become a restorative justice movement throughout the world.
Approximately 80 countries are reported to have such programs (Van Ness, 2005). The
implementation of the programs is usually conditioned by the culture and traditions of
the country where it is employed. (excerpt)


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