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Restorative justice: An international model of empowerment.

Van Wormer, Katherine
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) Journal of Societal and Social Policy. 3(2):3-16.

The study presents a full-out discussion of the current trends in applying progressive forms of
restorative justice. The model of restorative justice is juxtaposed to the existing model of guilt
that focuses on the offender, whereas the victim and the community rarely enter the picture.
Restorative justice is introduced as a distinct method to bring about justice and healing for all
parties involved. The new method centers on face-to-face communication, truth telling, and
personal empowerment. The author pays particular attention to family-group conferencing,
victim-offender mediation and reparations, as well as the development of social work values
through restorative justice. (author’s abstract)


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