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Restorative Justice and Family Violence, edited by Heather Strang and John Braithwaite.

Smith, Andrea
June 4, 2015

Source: (2005) Violence Against Women

Heather Strang and John Braithwaite’s edited anthology, Restorative
Justice and Family Violence addresses the potential (or lack thereof) for
restorative justice programs to combat family violence. The contributors
include professors of law, criminology, and social work, as well as a few
restorative justice advocates and indigenous activists. It is interesting to
note that the list of contributors seems to generally exclude those who
primarily identify as domestic violence advocates. The anthology does
not present a uniform position on this issue: Some contributors generally
endorse restorative justice programs as possible models for addressing
family violence; others are generally skeptical of their ability to provide
sufficient safety for survivors of violence and accountability for
perpetrators. In addition, those authors who generally favor restorative
justice programs are aware of the challenges faced in applying them to
family violence cases, and those who are more skeptical of these programs
are critical of the hard-line criminal justice approach as the
favored strategy for addressing family violence. The strength of this
volume is that the essays’ authors serve to correct the weaknesses in each
other’s analyses. (excerpt)


AbstractCourtsDomestic ViolenceFamiliesPolicePolicyRJ OfficeStatutes and LegislationTeachers and Students
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