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Restorative justice as a transformative process: The application of restorative justice principles to our everyday lives

Sullivan, Dennis
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) Voorheesville, NY: Mutual Aid Press.

In this pamphlet, Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft begin where many begin in discussing restorative justice: questioning a criminal justice system in the United States characterized by a punitive and retributive framework of justice, resulting in a “corrections industrial complexâ€? housing a large and growing prison population. Restorative justice contrasts with this approach by viewing crime in terms of harm to people and relationships – harm that requires acknowledgment and repair and reconciliation between people. Sullivan and Tifft then extend restorative ideas and principles broadly to our everyday lives, not just to the sphere of criminal justice. Hence, after tracing the emergence of restorative justice and its basic practices, they discuss needs-based justice as equal well-being, power and violence, the personal foundation of restorative justice, and restorative justice as a process for transforming our everyday lives as expressed in our relationships and communities. It should be noted that the authors later developed the ideas in this pamphlet into the book Restorative Justice: Healing the Foundations of Our Everyday Lives (Monsey, NY: Willow Tree Press, 2001).


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