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Restorative Justice: Assessing the Prospects and the Pitfalls

Hoyle, Carolyn
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) In, Mike McConville and Geoffrey Wilson, eds., The Handbook of The Criminal Justice Process. Oxford and New York: University of Oxford Press. Pp. 525-548.

In this collection of essays on various aspects of the English criminal justice process, Carolyn Hoyle and Richard Young contribute a chapter on restorative justice. They observe that restorative justice is a concept with as yet no single, settled meaning. Hence, as they use the designation, they refer to a diverse and developing set of values, aims, and processes which have in common the aim of repairing harm caused by criminal behavior. With this in mind, they discuss the rise of restorative justice, efforts to define restorative justice (values, aims, processes and programs), the movement of restorative justice into mainstream criminal justice in England and Wales, and the unrealized potential and unrecognized pitfalls of restorative justice.


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