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Restorative justice in corrective services – why, where and how

Booby, Rhonda
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) Abridged version of a paper to be delivered at the PACCOA 2000 What Works conference, held at Coorparoo, Queensland, Australia, 26-28 July. Downloaded 2 September 2004.

This is an abridged version of a paper to be delivered by Rhonda Booby, Director Restorative Justice, at the PACCOA 2000 What Works conference in Queensland, Australia, July 26-28. In her paper Booby reports on the Restorative Justice Unit of the New South Wales (Australia) Department of Corrective Services. The unit has four main areas of operation: protective mediation; victims register and community liaison; victims awareness programs; and victim-offender conferencing. Booby surveys key elements and aims of the work of the unit in each of these areas in corrective services.


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