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Restorative Justice Networking System

Colwill, Roger
June 4, 2015

Source: (2003) Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on Restorative Justice. June 2003. The Centre for Restorative Justice, Simon Fraser University. Downloaded 2 October 2003.

Community, restorative, Aboriginal Justice groups are expanding rapidly. Case diversions grow exponentially. New legislation, raised community awareness drive this trend. British Columbia’s 70+ Community and Restorative Justice groups use an estimated 2000+ volunteers. The logistics of pooling resources, coordinating events, people, education, and training within a mushrooming movement is daunting. Needed: An effective online support network that can easily link the efforts of local groups and individuals everywhere, broadcasting knowledge, best practices, reducing duplication, maximizing collaboration and elevating the quality of interaction amongst participants. Such a prototype system is built and operational, servicing a successful Aboriginal Justice Program, a local RJ group, and helping to coordinate the regional activities of up to 10 local RJ organizations on Vancouver Island. It has the capacity to serve 300+ groups, profiling each and categorizing their activities regionally. Using a fully interactive web based platform it uses 6 simple intuitive tools. My presentation describes the system and its implications for regions, provinces and countries.Abstract courtesy of the Centre for Restorative Justice, Simon Fraser University,


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