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Restorative Justice Program and Process Evaluation: An Integral Approach

Moore, Shannon
June 4, 2015

Source: (2003) Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference On Restorative Justice. Centre for Restorative Justice. 1-4 June. Vancouver BC. Downloaded 21 August 2003.

This paper presents an argument for a qualitative approach to restorative justice program and process evaluation to be adopted in conjunction with quantitative methods such as analysis of recidivism rates. The focus of the proposed “Integral Model of Restorative Justice Evaluationâ€? is on the various psychological, behavioural, sociological and cultural factors impacting interpretations of the meaningfulness of participants’ experiences. To achieve this, Integral Theory by Wilber (2000a, 2000b) is discussed as a meta-theoretical framework to develop evaluations through utilization of his quadrant mapping system. In this way, critical questioning regarding multiple influences on personal well-being, power relations, and cross-cultural sensitivities are developed and illuminated through this paper. Insights for this discussion are gained from the author’s experience as founding chairperson of a community based restorative justice organization, her doctoral research into the arena of restorative justice, her clinical counselling practice supporting victims of crime and vulnerable members of our communities, and her volunteerism within secure facilities.


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