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Restorative justice: Rethinking our responses to serious crime

Miller-Ashton, Jane
June 4, 2015

Source: (1999) Perspectives (Fall): 40-43

Restorative justice sounds great in principle, write the authors of this article in the journal of the American Probation and Parole Association, but is it really relevant in the actual work of probation and parole, especially with serious offenders and cases that involved violent crime? To explore the question and possible answers, Jane Miller-Ashton and Scott Harris, staff in the Correctional Service of Canada, review pivotal ideas and events in Canada with respect to the application of restorative justice and serious crime, including the Correctional Service’s increasing focus on restorative justice. They conclude their article with lessons that have emerged from all of this experience concerning restorative justice, community corrections, and serious crime.


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