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Restorative Justice: Steps on the Way toward a Good Idea

Messmer, H
June 4, 2015

Source: (1992) In: H. Messmer and H.-U. Otto (eds.), Restorative Justice on Trial: Pitfalls and Potentials of Victim-Offender Mediation: International Research Perspectives. Dordrecht, NETH: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-12.

The authors trace the roots of restorative justice, discuss the functions of restorative justice, and analyze the current state of restorative justice practices. Reviewing the field, they discuss legal and public demands on programs for specific organizational requirements and outcomes, whether restorative justice should be linked to diversion or guide institutional providers of restorative programs. The authors then propose a social-integrative perspective between mediating conflict and the law, and discuss how this can contribute to the continued growth of restorative and mediated responses to crime.


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