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Restorative justice through the eyes of a high school assistant principal

Rourke, Brent
June 4, 2015

Source: (2001) Restorative Justice in Action (Spring): 2. Special School Edition. Denver, Colorado: Colorado Forum on Community and Restorative Justice. Downloaded 5 April 2004.

Brent Rourke is an assistant principal at Boulder High School in Colorado. This article consists of an interview with him not long after Boulder High initiated its restorative justice program. During the several months of the beginning phase, the program was employed to hold six community group conferences for offenses such as theft, harassment, fighting, and vandalism. Through the interview, Rourke discusses the goals of their restorative processes, the decision when to use conferencing in particular situations, student response to the processes, and the unique aspects of restorative justice in a school setting.


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