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Restorative Services: Bringing a Framework for Improved School Culture to Public Schools

September 21, 2010

…The Bethlehem Area School District in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA,
engaged CSF Buxmont’s Restorative Services program during spring 2010.
Restorative Services facilitator Elizabeth Smull provided expertise in
restorative practices for six hours a week in three emotional support
classes, two at Liberty High School and one at Freedom High School. At
the end of six weeks, Smull could point to encouraging results and
positive feedback from the students and three teachers involved.

“The whole experience was really fantastic,” said Jennifer Curti, a
science teacher at Freedom High School. “Using restorative practices,
and circles especially, gave us a structure and forum for discussions in
my class. We engaged in some really heartfelt conversations during this
time. I found myself sharing things about myself with my students, and
that established a new level of trust and cooperation between us. They
felt respected and empowered,” added Curti. “My classroom dynamic
changed for the better and provided more time for teaching.”


Read the full article.


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