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Reviewing a Swedish Outcome Study on Family Group Conferences.

Merkel-Holguin, Lisa
June 4, 2015

Source: (2005) American Humane FGDM Issues in Brief

The conclusions of this Swedish study appear
inconsistent with the majority of international research
and evaluation on family group decision making
(FGDM) and, therefore, it has generated significant
discussion. The purpose of this Issue Brief is to
summarize the Swedish study, present a wider
understanding of it and its place within FGC policy and
practice, and place its conclusions within the context of instituting FGC in national and international child
welfare systems. The study’s findings, an analysis, and
questions follow. (excerpt)


AbstractChild WelfareConferencesCourtsFamiliesPacificPoliceRJ in SchoolsRJ OfficeStatutes and Legislation
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