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Safe Schools: Strategies for Changing a Culture

Bargen, Catherine
June 4, 2015

Source: (2003) Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference On Restorative Justice. Centre for Restorative Justice. 1-4 June. Vancouver BC. Downloaded 16 June 2003.

Teachers, administrators, and communities are looking for ways to make their schools “safe schools.” What, asks Catherine Bargen, does a safe school look like? To make schools safe, many programs are being tried, yet incidents of aggression and violence continue to disrupt and disturb school communities. Bargen maintains that something comprehensive must be done that will encourage a shift in the culture of the way that conflict and punishment are viewed. In this regard, she relates the experience of School District #35 in Langley, British Columbia, and its partnership with Fraser Region Community Justice Initiatives to explore how restorative justice principles might affect culture change throughout the local school system.


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