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Some Models of Restorative Justice

Correctional Service of Canada, Mark
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) Included in Restorative Justice Week 2004: Engaging Us All in the Dialogue. Ottawa: Correctional Service of Canada, Restorative Justice Branch and Dispute Resolution Branch. Downloaded 28 January 2005.

Building on restorative justice ideas and principles, people and organizations in Canada and around the world have developed a number of ways to apply restorative justice in response to crime and other forms of wrongdoing. It is vital to examine these models to make sure they adhere to and express restorative justice principles and values. Toward this end, this resource paper provides brief descriptions of some of the models being used, including victim-offender mediation, community conferencing, peacemaking circles, and surrogate victim-offender restorative justice dialogue.


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