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Support, history of Genesee Justice motivated director to ensure division saved

December 13, 2010

“I didn’t want to see Genesee Justice and the great history of Judge Call (former Sheriff Doug Call) and Dennis (Wittman, founding GJ director), and the love and caring they put into it, evaporate into a memory.”

….When Gsell first presented his draft budget to the legislature, it called for closing Genesee Justice as a division of the Sheriff’s Office and moving many of its functions to the probation department.

At a public hearing, members of the legal community and crime victims assisted by Genesee Justice came forward and encouraged the legislature to protect the pioneering restorative justice program.

Next up for Minardo: Put together a non-profit foundation that will raise money to fill the budget gap for full Genesee Justice operations, including reinstating his job as director.

Read the whole article.


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