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The Beloved Community, Formed at the Table: A Gathering on Holy Communion, Holy Conferencing and Reframing the Talk of Schism.

JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation, J.M.
June 4, 2015

Source: (2005) JUSTPEACE Gathering Report, Nashville, Tennesse, April 5-7. Washington, DC: JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation, United Methodist Church. Downloaded 11 August 2005.

JUSTPEACE and the General Board of Discipleship co-sponsored an annual Gathering event in April in Nashville, TN. The event was called The Beloved Community, Formed at the Table, a Gathering on Holy Communion, Holy Conferencing and Reframing the Talk of Schism. The participants, practitioners of conflict transformation and others, explored the question: “In the midst of important differences that have emerged as conflict among many members of the Church—for some there is a movement toward schism—how can we become the beloved community?” The group was asked to bring to the table their individual training, experience and wisdom around this question and to generate together creative and constructive ways for moving beyond the talk of schism, toward the beloved community. It was the intent of the group to share the learnings from this event with the Church and others. What follows are some of the learnings grouped around specific areas of focus. (excerpt)


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