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The Challenges of Restorative Justice Projects in Aboriginal Communities through Social, Economic, and Political Perspectives.

Grace, Jennifer
June 4, 2015

Source: (2004) M.A. thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

This study examines the challenges of restorative justice projects in communities that are facing many social, economic and political difficulties. Often the understanding is that once communities gain control over justice measures through restorative justice projects the problems of the mainstream criminal justice system will be reduced. Here restorative justice is seen as way to engender equality, create peaceful relationships, empowerment of community members including victims and offenders, reduce recidivism, establish social control, and re-establish cultural expectations. However, due to colonization, marginalization, and loss of culture and social control that communities experience disproportionate levels of conflict, inequality, lack of resources and low socio-economic status challenge the likelihood of reaching the goals of a restorative justice agenda. Conflict theory will aid in an understanding of those factors that pull communities apart. Author’s abstract.


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