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The drug treatment court as a form of restorative justice.

Fulkerson, Andrew
June 4, 2015

Source: (2009) Contemporary Justice Review. 12(3):253-267.

The drug treatment court as a response to addiction, and restorative justice as a theoretical paradigm, have both emerged as significant influences upon criminal justice and societal and governmental responses to criminal behavior. The drug treatment court includes elements and features of restorative justice. The concept of restorative justice, with its focus on the reintegration of offenders, victims, and community, may be considered a theoretical construct within which to examine, evaluate, and further develop the drug treatment court model of addressing the problem of drug addiction. This examination also raises the question: what is restorative justice? This paper considers the restorative features of drug treatment courts, the limits of restorative justice, and ways in which the drug treatment court may benefit from restorative justice. (author’s abstract)


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