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The Globalization of ADR: Feeling the Way Forward? (Ruminations of a “Female, Peace-Making Interested, Restorative Justice Oriented Flake”!).

Harley, Penelope
June 4, 2015

Source: (2006) Journal of Public Law and Policy. 27(2):283-295.

A 2005 Symposium on the Globalization of ADR highlighted the inadequacy of the current Westernized “problem-solving” model of mediation. This problem-solving approach has its emphasis on efficiency, experts, and universal approaches. Simply exporting this inflexible model does not ensure its globalization. The artful globalization of mediation requires us to move away from the rigid problem-solving model of mediation, and move toward incorporating values of the highly sensitive restorative justice model. Participating in restorative justice processes has underscored the importance of placing emphasis instead on deep listening, inclusivity, collaboration, and relationship-building. These values are vital in the field of mediation as its reach expands globally.


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