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The MacKillop Model of Restorative Practice

O'Callaghan, Elizabeth
June 4, 2015

Source: (2005) Paper presented at ‘Building a Global Alliance for Restorative Practices and Family Empowerment, Part 3’, the IIRP’s Sixth International Conference on Conferencing, Circles and other Restorative Practices, March 3-5, Penrith, New South Wales, Australia. Downloaded 18 March 2005.

A Catholic two-stream primary school in Penrith at the foot of the beautiful Blue Mountains, Mary MacKillop Primary has developed restorative practice as a way of building healthy relationships. We are in the developmental stages of our implementation of the MacKillop Model of Restorative Practice and in the process of gathering data to support what we believe to be true—that restorative practice is making a difference to the culture of our school. We are still on a journey of discovery and refinement, but I would like to share with you a summary of that journey to this point. (excerpt)


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