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“The pursuit of justice and reconciliation: Responding to genocide in Cambodia and Rwanda.”

Lambourne, Wendy
June 4, 2015

Source: (1999) Paper presented at the 40th Annual International Studies Association Convention. Washington, DC, 16-20 February. Columbia International Affairs Online 6/99.

In this paper Lambourne explores the pursuit of justice and reconciliation in response to situations involving genocide, with particular emphasis on Cambodia and Rwanda. She begins by detailing the development of an international human rights regime following World War II. This regime consists, for example, of declarations and treaties through the United Nations and through regional agreements. Nevertheless, millions have been killed or traumatized by genocide and crimes against humanity. In this context, Lambourne contends that justice and reconciliation are critical in post-conflict peacebuildng. To advance her argument, she discusses the meanings of justice and reconciliation, as well as accountability mechanisms (e.g., international tribunals and truth commissions). She then examines the conflict and post-conflict periods in Cambodia and Rwanda in light of these issues.


AbstractAsiaPost-Conflict ReconciliationRJ in Schools
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