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The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Community Reconciliation: a Case Study of Duduza

van der Merwe, Hugo
June 4, 2015

Source: (1998) Gerinka GogoRatuz. October 8, 1998. Downloaded 15 July 2004.

The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) did not have a specific mandate to advance reconciliation in particular local communities. Yet a significant part of its role was to build a foundation for reconciliation in South Africa. On that basis, and with the aim of understanding the future of reconciliation in South Africa, Hugo van der Merwe examines how the TRC has changed the context within which local communities pursue reconciliation. He does this by studying one community in particular. More than fifty people were interviewed in 1997 by van der Merwe to gain insight into local dynamics and the role of the TRC in Duduza and the Greater Nigel area.


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