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The spiritual dimension of social justice.

Gabel, Peter
June 4, 2015

Source: (2013) Journal of Legal Education.63:673-688.

Among our efforts is
participating in and providing support to the development of the restorative
justice movement, a remarkable attempt to shift the framework of the criminal
law away from identifying the crime, finding the wrong-doer, and punishing
him or her-the traditional model which presupposes that a crime is the act
of a detached individual against the State-to one that fosters direct victim/
offender encounters which seek to encourage people who cause harm to address
directly the suffering of their victims. The point is to bring intersubjective
concreteness to the infliction of human suffering in a way that makes a call
upon those who inflict harm to take responsibility for it, to apologize for it and
provide restoration, if possible, for the harm, and in some circumstances to be
forgiven for it and to be reintegrated wherever possible into the community.(excerpt)


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