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The Synergy and Substance of Organizational and Community Change in the Response to Crime and Conflict: The Emergence and Potential of Restorative Justice.

Bazemore, Gordon
June 4, 2015

Source: (2006) Public Organization Review: A Global Journal. 5(1).

The story of the one-hundredth monkey has generated new ways of thinking about cultural
transformation. Different experiences and new understandings of justice have emerged in a variety
of cultural contexts and led to a rather sudden multi-national shift in thinking about the collective
response to crime, harm and conflict that raises broader theoretical questions about restorative
justice as a social movement or innovation. This article will describe the restorative justice movement
in an historical context and its emergence into a worldwide phenomenon. The authors also examine
the role of communities, or ‘‘instrumental communities’’ in public organizations.


AbstractForgivenessVictim Offender Mediation
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