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Thinking outside: Alternatives to remand for children.

Jesuit Social Services, Kevin J
June 4, 2015

Source: (2013) Richmond, Jesuit Social Services

In Section 4 of the report, the underlying values, structure and operation of the youth justice system in
Victoria are described. Jurisdictions vary in the relative emphasis placed upon two approaches: the
welfare approach which focuses primarily on behaviour change and crime reduction through
interventions to address the underlying social causes of offending, and the justice approach, which is
underpinned by traditional notions of criminal behaviour and appropriate responses to it. This approach
is influenced by deterrence theory and seeks to hold children to account for their actions and to ensure
swift, impartial and fair administration of justice. Another approach to youth justice which has been
influential in Australia in recent years is restorative justice. This approach seeks to hold offenders to
account for their actions and to provide them with the opportunity to restore their broken relationship
with the victim, the community and, in many cases, with their own family. Thinking Outside conceives
the Victorian youth justice system to be a hybrid mix of both justice and welfare approaches to children,
while also incorporating elements of the restorative justice approach. (excerpt)


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