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Under the Influence: Of Drink Drivers and Communitarian Criminology!

Powell, Chris
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) The Red Feather Journal of Postmodern Criminology 8. Downloaded 2 June 2004.

Over the last decade or two, public concern about driving under the influence of alcohol has risen significantly. Efforts to combat drink driving have increased in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Such efforts include the promotion of public awareness campaigns and more severe legal sanctions. Against this background, and with a certain skepticism about the advocacy and application of stiffer sanctions, Chris Powell looks at an alternative approach to drink driving. It consists of an experiment being conducted in the Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.). The experiment, which owes a considerable intellectual debt to communitarian or republican criminology, involves a process of shaming and reintegration to deal with drink drivers. Powell discusses the theory underlying this approach, the conference process, and its strengths and weaknesses.


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