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Ways and means for enhancing the aftercare and rehabilitative programmes for released offenders: An Indian perspective

Chattoraj, B N
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) Agenda Item Five. Paper presented at the 8th ACPF World Conference, “Challenges for the 21st Century.â€? Beijing, China, 11-15 October. Tokyo: Asia Crime Prevention Foundation.

Chattoraj maintains that the ultimate objective of corrections is the rehabilitation of offenders into the mainstream of social life. Aftercare is a vital necessity in this process. In this paper Chattoraj offers pragmatic and workable suggestions for enhancing aftercare and rehabilitative services for released inmates in India. His paper includes a survey of the origin and development of aftercare in India, findings from research into the state of aftercare, discussion of issues concerning that situation, and recommendations for future directions for aftercare in India.


AbstractAsiaRJ in Schools
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