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What will happen to me?

June 20, 2011

Millions of adults are involved in the care of these children.  Some, like grandparents, may be the primary caregivers.  Others such as teachers, social workers, mentors and school counselors are regularly involved.  The issues raised by these children’s situations can be perplexing and overwhelming.

The project began as a way to give voice and visibility to these often-forgotten children who are so profoundly affected by policies that do not take their needs into account. Rather than speak for them, my colleague Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz and I wanted to provide an opportunity for them to speak for themselves. We also aimed to provide suggestions for caregivers responsible in some way for these children.

Read the book. View the portraits.


Blog PostChild WelfareFamiliesRJ in SchoolsStatutes and LegislationStoryTeachers and Students
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