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Why Johnny (and Jane) Skip School: A positive youth development approach to truancy.

Bucqueroux, Bonnie
June 4, 2015

Source: (2003) Online Journal of Urban Youth Culture. Institute for Children, Youth and Families, Michigan State University. February. Downloaded 10 August 2005.

Reading through the daunting list above can make it seem that truancy defies solution. Yet the fact that it is such a far-ranging and complex problem makes it an ideal candidate for a restorative, community-based approach. Some communities have made a good start. In June 199, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention funded an evaluation of seven national truancy reduction programs (Contra Costa County, CA; Jacksonville, FL; Honolulu, HI; Yaphank, NY; Houston, TX; Seattle, WA; and Tacoma, WA). Innovations include everything from home visits to special efforts to deal with youngsters who don’t speak English. In Traverse City, Michigan, TIP (Truancy Intervention Program) reports that success requires changing from a “you really blew it this time and here’s what’s going to happen to you” attitude to “how can we help?”. (excerpt)


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