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Why restorative justice helps us with “belonging”

December 28, 2009

The response by participants has really touched me.  One young
person shared a traumatic story about an incident of threats and abuse
by a parent.  We all silently absorbed that story, because it was
Circle.  Later the “taking action” stage, was full of comments about
what people would be taking from the Circle.  Hope, understanding,
awareness, faith – things you would want young people who got caught
with a pipe or pot to feel.  At least what I think is good to take
away, I have thought long about what they were getting from courts
before SCVRJP offered this session.

The final question round, is usually a reflection on the Circle
itself, and I used that at the CSI.  That was really great feedback. 
The attendees were really suprised by what they thought it was going to
be and what it was.  Several comments on how effective it was, and how
much more it should be applied.

I think all the positive-ness came from distributing the sense of
belonging.  We gave it to each other, we reintegrated everyone back in
the community.  The Circle safety created a candid space for everyone
to talk about their crime, their lives and their future.  It was a real
gift to have our CSI program be so well received.

Read the whole entry.


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