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Working with Community to Support Children, Youth and Families: A System of Care. Companion Document

Ministry of Children and Family Development, Beverly
June 4, 2015

Source: (2002) British Columbia: Ministry of Children and Family Development, Government of British Columbia. Downloaded 5 May 2004.

This companion document supplements the discussion paper, Working with Community to Support Children, Youth and their Families: A System of Care (Conceptual Framework
Subcommittee, 2001), which outlines the principles and components of a co-ordinated system of services and placements. The companion document provides detailed, evidence-based information on services and placements that have been included on the basis of consistency with the themes of the system of care, and of empirical support for and professional consensus on their efficacy. The services were carefully scrutinized before being included here. The document also includes appendices containing supporting information, and a glossary. Key themes reflected in both the discussion paper and the companion document are: emphasis on early and ongoing assessment and planning, separation of services and placements, bringing services to children, use of wraparound/integrated case management, and strengthening of families, neighbourhoods and communities. (excerpt)


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