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Youth awards highlight best of Canadian police work: Long-term, preventive approach reaps benefits for those with innovative ideas

Kerr, Joanna.
June 4, 2015

Source: (2000) Gazette: A Royal Canadian Mounted Police Publication 62 (4): 38.

To recognize and foster innovative approaches to reducing youth crime, the Canadian Department of Justice and Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police have decided to confer a National Youth Justice Policing Award to police officers who, individually or as a team, work to promote the spirit and goals of the federal government’s Youth Justice Renewal Initiative. The Youth Justice Renewal Initiative is based on three emphases: preventing youth crime by addressing root circumstances and causes; ensuring accountability for youth offenders; and improving rehabilitation and reintegration for youth offenders returning to the community. This article summarizes the work of some of those police officers who have been recognized through this award program.


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