“What to do With the Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing: The Role of Rhetoric and Reality about Youth Offenders in the Constructive Dismantling of the Juvenile Justice System.”
by Coupet, Sacha M
June 4, 2015
Source: (2000) University of Pennsylvania Law Review 148(4):1303 Examines the treatment of the juvenile justice system on juvenile delinquency in the United States. Goals of the juvenile justice system; Effects of the juvenile crime legislation on juvenile crime; Role of public perception in...
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“What is at stake in restorative justice for juveniles.”
by Walgrave, Lode
June 4, 2015
Source: (1998) In Restorative justice for juveniles: Potentialities, risks and problems for research, ed. Lode Walgrave, 11-16. A selection of papers presented at the International Conference, Leuven, May 12-14, 1997. With a preface by Lode Walgrave. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press....
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What of biblical law? Paper presented at the Making Crime Pay conference. Wellington, New Zealand, June 1994.
by Maclachlan, Renton
June 4, 2015
Source: (1994) Stimulus 2 (August): 58-62. Maclachlan states that justice is ultimately a theological issue. The universe is created by God, whose character is the standard for all of creation, including human beings. Justice, then, derives from God, not from human constructs; and God’s...
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“What is forgiveness in a secular political form?”
by Shriver Jr., Donald W.
June 4, 2015
Source: (2001) In Forgiveness and reconciliation: Religion, public policy, & conflict transformation, ed. Raymond G. Helmick, S.J., and Rodney L. Petersen, 151-157. With a foreword by Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu. Philadelphia: Templeton Foundation Press. In asking about the nature of...
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“What future for ‘public safety’ and ‘restorative justice’ in a system of community penalties?”
by Smith, Michael.
June 4, 2015
Source: (2001) In Community penalties: Change and challenges, eds. Anthony Bottoms, Loraine Gelsthorpe, and Sue Rex, 200-225. Cambridge Criminal Justice Series. Devon, UK: Willan Publishing. As Smith observes, “public safetyâ€? and “restorative justiceâ€?...
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“Principios éticos de la justicia restaurativa.”
by Van der Maat, Bruno
June 4, 2015
Source: (2000) In, Pena, Encarcelamiento, y Restauración. II Seminario de Post Grado. Arequipa: Obsevatorio de prisiones. sin...
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“What does it mean to forgive?”
by Erickson, Nikki
June 4, 2015
Source: (2001) Crime Victims Report 5 (March/April): 9. When Nikki Erickson was a child, her mother was mortally wounded by a young man stealing her purse. Now an adult, Erickson recounts in this succinct article the traumatic effects on her of her mother’s murder and the journey she...
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What about house arrest?
by Lilly, J. Robert.
June 4, 2015
Source: (1989) The Journal of State Government 62 (March/April): 89-91. Lilly explores issues surrounding the use of house arrest. Some view it as a form of governmental erosion of privacy through a powerful capacity for surveillance. Others view it as an effective and economical alternative...
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“Ways of knowing for a restorative worldview.”
by Zehr, Howard
June 4, 2015
Source: (2000) Photocopied draft. Shenk and Zehr examine principles and practices of research or “knowingâ€? in light of basic principles of restorative justice. In a traditional approach to research, the researcher is the objective expert who gathers essential data to...
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“Victim-Offender Mediation in the Italian Juvenile Justice System: The Role of the Social Worker.”
by Baldry, Anna C
June 4, 2015
Source: (1998) British Journal of Social Work 28: 729-744. Mediation in the restorative justice approach balances the victims’ needs against holding offenders responsible for the harm caused and requiring them to make reparation for it. However, the Italian juvenile justice system has...
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“Victim – Offender Mediation in Sweden: A Research Note.”
by Lindström, Peter
June 4, 2015
Source: (1998) In Restorative Justice for Juveniles: Potentialities, Risks and Problems, Lode Walgrave, ed., Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. The new communitarian movement has many similarities with the core ideas of restorative justice. Both perspectives argue for strengthening the...
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The European Forum for Victim-Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice
by Aertsen, Ivo
June 4, 2015
Source: (2001) European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 9(3):291-200. The European Forum for Victim–Offender Mediation and Restorative Justice is a non-governmental organisation set up because European victim–offender mediation projects had seldom established contacts...
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Victim-Offender Mediation: Limitations and Potential
by Robinson, G.
June 4, 2015
Source: (1996) University of Oxford, Centre for Criminological Research. The last 20 years have brought a revival of interest in the status of victims in the criminal justice process. The focus has been on the responsibilities of the criminal justice system towards victims. However, much...
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Victim-offender mediation in practice
by Wynne, Jean
June 4, 2015
Source: (2000) In Mediation in Context, ed. Marian Liebmann, 126-139. With an introduction by Marian Liebmann. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Beginning with an introduction to victim-offender mediation, Wynne continues by describing this type of mediation in practical terms within the...
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Victim/Offender Mediation and Victim Compensation in Austria and Germany: Stocktaking and Perspectives for Future Research
by Löschnig-Gspandl, Marianne
June 4, 2015
Source: (1997) European Journal of Crime; vol.: Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, pp. 1-78. Victim/offender mediation according to Austrian legal doctrine is the generic term for various ways of compensating victims. This includes compensation for any personal injury, loss, or damage caused,...
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